Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is Enlightenment?

1.What does Kant mean by “Freedom”
-By freedom he means that when men become mature, they are free of what others were telling them to think, or know, because before they were not truely allowed to them think for themselves. Having freedom means to have your own opinions on matters, or your own personal morals and values, and being able to express them to others without fear.

2.Why does Kant feel “freedom” is so central to the Enlightenment?
-Without this freedom of speech, some would never be enlightened to think a different way or use their reasoning skills. In other words, people would not have heard of these new ideas had there been no freedom; therefore the Age of Enlightenment would not have existed.

3.How do people become enlightened and what is the appropriate environment to accomplish this?
-People become enlightened when they hear or read something that makes them think in a different way. The most appropriate place for this to be accomplished would be somewhere
in which people are supporting things that would make a society better, rather than making everyone believe in something that could potentially ruin a civilization.

4.How does Kant relate enlightenment and politics?
-He wrote about how a politcal leader/ruler could be enlightened by his subjects if he lets them debate publically. If this were to occur, then the official could possibly take the citizens criticism and opinions, and apply them; ultimately creating a better government and nation.

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