Monday, September 14, 2009

Plato and Aristotle Notes

  • Plato was Aristotle's teacher
  • Socrates was Plato's teacher
  • 428-374 BCE - Plato
  • came from aristocrat family wealthy, educated
  • born in Athens (known for intelligence)
  • Present at teacher's exitcution (399) had taught Plato for 20yrs
  • traveled in Egypt, started a school in Athens called the Academy
  • spent rest of life teaching
  • wrote dialoges on how people should think (effective filter) and that it defines you
  • The Republic - book he wrote
  • famous theories (Atlantis) came up w/ the first idea of hell (reason)
  • Think on your own; understand your thoughts
  • life and people = people living in a cave live is stuck in the cave and refuseto believe there is more to life (thinking outside the box)
  • Body - spirit, desire, rational (harmony =justice in the head)
  • 2 low classes ruled by an upper class because they are well educated
  • commander or ruler stripped of personal properties
  • Physical and mentalphysical
  • 387-322 BCE - Aristotle
  • More of a scientist/ father was a doctor of royal family
  • At 17 he moved to Athens and studied at the Academy for 20 yrs
  • forced out of Athens /greece taken over by king Phillip (macedonian)
  • went to Asia Minor and knew King Hermious and married his niece
  • moved to Pelia to be king Phillip's advisor
  • Aristotle was Alexander the Great's tutor
  • went back to Athens and stated his own school callled the Lyceum/ walking school, talk and share thoughts casually
  • Macedonians treated people badly looked down upon
  • believed you have to work and develop tools and work to achieve anything
  • wrote books on science, math, and zoology
  • music and proverbs
  • came up w/ why humans ere here (purpose of life)
  • original idea that the univers revolves around Earth
  • created the idea of elements of the earth (fire, water, and earth)
  • believed a ruler should be a little corrupted and rough
  • worked w/ pathagorus and worked w/ phycology(soul)
  • believed our soul was our diving compass

Plato and Aristotle had some opposing opinions on government. For example, Plato believed in a perfected, well-educated ruler, whereas Aristotle thought a ruler should be a little off balanced and not so perfect. One reason why these two thought differently was because they were brought up in different societies. Plato came from a wealty, articratic, and intelligent society, however, Aristotle came from a middle class society. Because Plato came from such an intelligent place, his opinion about a ruler stems off from where he comes from. Aristotle came from an average family and therefore requires an average ruler and knows there is no such thing as a perfect king.

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